Saturday 18 May 2013

The 3 most fun ideas for a date

3 of the most fun dating ideas I ever tried.

Lets face it, going for a movie is considered the most boring kind of dating. First of all, both couples doesn't interact at all, they just sit through and let the movie entertain. We've all been tapping onto our creative juice to come out with interesting and fun-loving dating ideas for our spouse. And the following are what I have tried and proven to be fun! Real fun! So check it out:

Better Than Check Mate 

My girlfriend and I like to play all sorts of games - cards, board games, Chinese Checkers and even Chess. Staying home and playing games is a relaxing and inexpensive date night for us. Chess particularly can be a "serious" sort of game.There is a whole lot more strategy and thought with that game.

Sometimes chess should be more fun. To combat the all too serious attitude about chess I came up with a great way to bring a bit of levity to the game. I created little tags to put on the bottom of chess pieces. The tags were basically "rewards" for capturing that piece.

So when my girlfriend captured my Rook, she turned it over and found out that she was awarded a five-minute back rub. When I took her Queen, I got one night off from making dinner (yes, I usually prepare most of the dinners).

The tags are randomly placed under the pieces so capturing a Pawn might gain you a better prize than a Bishop. I even created a couple of tags for each side that allowed the conqueror to take back one of their pieces. Bobby Fischer probably wouldn't like my game of chess, but my girlfriend and I sure do.

Never Too Young 

This idea will take sometime to do but plan ahead. My girlfriend and I are young and haven't had the chance to experience a drive-in movie. I thought it would be extra special for a movie night rather than watch it in the living room, we watch it outside from my car, while parked in the driveway.

It was easy to hook up speakers to run to my vehicle when I set up the television a reasonable distance from the car. We relaxed and cuddled with popcorn, a box of candy and a couple of drinks. It is times like this that you will never forget.

Free and Fun Festival 

One Sunday, my girlfriend and I decided that we needed an adventure. But we're both students, so we don't have much money. We bought a loaf of bread and some Brie at a local store, got in our car, and just started driving.

We ended up miles away in beautiful Virginia countryside where a free festival of Bach's music was going on. We went into an old church and listened to the beautiful organ music. We walked around the picturesque
town, browsing in craft stores. We picnicked with our bread and Brie on the church lawn. And finally, we kissed in the middle of a flower filled pasture. It was a heavenly, inexpensive, and very romantic day. Simple! :)

How to have 300+ fun Dating Ideas in your pocket?

Do you know? The above ideas I have shared with you comes from this great book that I have bought a month ago. It's called the 300 Creative Dates. Written by Michael Webb.

I strongly recommend this book to anyone of you who wants to create a special, fun and loving dates to your marriage or relationship with your spouse! I personally think that it would greatly benefit you as it has personally benefited me with the following:
  1. I NEVER had to fear of running out of dating ideas.
  2. It helps me stay romantic every moment of your relationship.
  3. There are 101 fantastic romantic surprises for me to reference at all times. Be it birthday, anniversary or even valentines day.
  4. I NEVER have to waste time researching on the web for long hours just to find the perfect dating idea.


  • First of all, it's written by the most credible writer. Michael Webb was featured in media as the "Worlds' Most Romantic Man". Check his credibility here.
  • Each ideas cost you less than 10 cents! You will not only get 300 creative dates but also, the international bestseller - the Romantic Guide, Dating Bible and NewlyWed Guide to Happy Marriage. ALL FOR THE PRICE of 30+ bucks.
  • Romantic Ideas ALL at your fingertips. You can use these tricks learned in the book to amaze & impress your spouse!

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